Friday, November 6, 2009

Foul Attack on Foul at Southern Cross

A violent bird on bird attack occurred today, that resulted in the slaying of one sionChicken.
The victim was a sionChicken named ANTIPASTO, who was maintained & cared for in his carefully crafted prim pen, where he happily co-existed within his cyberspace constraints for 3 weeks.

The perpetrator was a sibling, a sionhchicken named DINNER, who accosted the peaceful Mr. Antipasto in a what seems to be a flailing enraged fit of cyber testosterone. The senseless & brutal flogging scuffle caused ANTIPASTO serious bodily injury, which lead to him eventually succumbing to his wounds. A truly untimely demise.

This type of injustice, the slaying of one brother by the beak of another, can only be compared to that of a similar story that's found in the Holy Bible. In the book of Genesis, Cain & Able, were Adam and Eve's first & second sons, and Cain killed his brother Able, in fit of anger, as well.Both stories bear painful endings.

ANTIPASTO's loving owner, Mikayla Basevi was quoted as saying:

" I was really shocked to log on this morning and receive an offline message from ANTIPASTO that stated: The object 'sionChicken rev2' has sent you a message: I (ANTIPASTO) died because of another chicken! It was almost as if he knew he wasn't long for this world, and cried out to me for help, but I was too late. Upon further investigation,I stumbled across his decomposing prim body. He lay there lifeless, as if someone had scripted him to do so. I hope he fought like hell! He was a good chicken and will always be remembered for his incessantly annoying clucking, his expensive eating habits, and his complete and utter ability to single handidly lag out the entire sim. We are deeply saddened by this loss, Southern Cross has always been a peaceful, fun-loving place where everyone gets along. Now, if you will please excuse me...(SOBS)".

Rest in cyber peace, dear ANTIPASTO, Neo and Trinity will guide you safely on your journey to the "Eternal Matrix". The Oracle awaits...

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